Thursday, November 22, 2012


The Lord says:

My child, you have been walking on the cutting edge of uncomfortable places for a while.  This is a time of peeling back layers and a releasing of untruths taught you.  I will re-teach you now.

You are My child and I rejoice in our time together as we talk to one another.  You are one who will come and sit and be still before Me.  As you go, you find that your place of strength, quietness and confidence is your portion.  You have yielded to Me and been obedient to My voice.  I am well pleased.  Just recently for a time you have felt as though you might be walking on a tight rope.  I am teaching you the deeper things of the Spirit.  Much is taking place that you are not aware of.  Much activity is around you that you are aware of, such as angels ministering.  Think on these things, love, and joy and purity of life. 

Though flesh wars against the spirit, and spirit against flesh, as you come to Me, we will win in the Spirit.  You have already overcome the evil one.  Come in close.  Do not follow the voices you hear that are not Mine for surely the enemy wants to win.  But you are Mine and loved with an everlasting love.  You will overcome everything that has been a hindrance to you “not by might nor by power but by My Spirit”. 

Rejoice! There are things coming in the future that may not look so good in appearance but will work out the peaceable fruit of righteousness within you.  Much of what you see is not truth as you see it.  You see in part.  Yet, rejoice!  You will always have the revelation you need in due season.  It comes from the realms of Heaven as you look to Me.  Rejoice and know that in all things you are victorious.

Walk in the light as I am in the light and know that it is I, alone, who lights your pathway.  It is not your husband, it is not yourself nor your children.  I am bringing you to a place of knowing that it is only Me and all else is like a vapor that will disappear.  You have been in a time of pruning and you will flourish in this next season with much growth and greenness.  Some will not understand you as you draw near to Me.  Do not worry who understands or who does not.  Walk in the gentleness of My Spirit and allow Me to deal with everyone who would attempt to deal treacherously with you.  I am your defender.  You are Mine and I am your protector, your covering, your Savior forever.

Rejoice in the night season as well as the day season!  Cleaning the inside of your cup sometimes hurts.  I mold you and make you as the potter does the clay.  Many times you wonder what is going on in your life.  As you are bent this way and then shoved that way, sometimes it is to the point that you wonder, “What is happening to me”?     Stay pliable in My hands and I will form you as I choose and it will be good. 

I will kindle a fire upon you and it will be well.  In length of time this word will stretch over the next few years.  There will be molding and more molding, removing and adding, then the Fire.   A Holy Fire that will fire you up to release the good things that are in you.  Though it will not seem good to you at the time, you will rejoice in the outcome, My child.

My Word.  My Word.  Stay in My word and know that all that is meant for your destruction even for your harm, I will turn around.  I will bring you to the Light of My Glory.  You will shine with My Glory holding the Sword high in the air to strike your enemy at any given moment.  There will be times to come, times which you will think this is the worst thing that could happen and yet, it is happening.  It will be the best thing that could happen.  Watch and see as time passes by. 

Keep your focus and set your eyes on Me.  Set your face like a flint for you are Mine and I am yours.  We are one walking together on our way back to the Garden before the days of sin by Adam came upon the earth, back to the garden where I can talk with you, My beloved.   You can talk with Me in the secret place.  You will walk with Me there and talk with Me there.  You will find that the garden is our secret place of communion.

Prepare yourself for acceleration spiritually.  It has been a dusty and curvy road but change is coming at accelerated speeds in the Spirit.  Your timing is not Mine and Mine is not yours.  Watch and see what changes will come about.  Look solely to Me.  I am with you always, never leaving nor forsaking you in any way.  Rejoice, My child!  I am working in you mightily.  You cause My heart to rejoice with your child-like faith in Me.  
Amen and Amen
G. Manizak

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